This example is for playing or not playing looped music when asked by a text message but you can change it to any event you want . First off is to put a string in your pstr.txt like the one below string 84 Do you want to turn on the radio ? Press Y or N ~yu43=1~nu43=2 sdone The text message is number 84 and the Ureg that triggers the event is number 43 , so if you press key Y ureg 43 is set to value 1 and if you press key N the value is set to 2 , now you need an animation that will check for Ureg 43 and meet a condition when the ureg is at the values set , something like the one below . EG Frame 0 Branch if close to frame 2 Frame 1 Unconditional branch to frame 0 Frame 2 Display text message 84 Frame 3 Skip if Ureg 34=1 Frame 4 Remove this animation Frame 5 Play sound ( sound number ) Frame 6 No operation just a delay the length of the sound file Frame 7 Unconditional branch to frame 5 You would put the animation near to a radio and mark it as invisible , then when the player approaches the message will appear asking you for an input , if you press Y the music will play , if you press N it will not .