This example displays an onscreen timer that leads to an explosion. You will have to make a ureg object in the console text that displays a value for the ureg you choose to trigger your explosion, what you would have to do is make an animation where it sits in a loop and is triggered by an event that starts the timer and each subsequent frame of the animation will set the ureg to a value, start at the highest value of your timer then make each frame reduce the uvalue by one until you get to one , it's up to you what delay value you want to use. The animation would look something like this ( I used ureg 10 for this example ) frame 0 jump if close/see player 100 frame 1 goto frame 0 frame 2 set univ reg 10 uvalue 100 dly 2 frame 3 set univ reg 10 uvalue 99 dly 2 frame 4 set univ reg 10 uvalue 98 dly 2 etc. down to univ reg 10 uvalue 1 dly 2 ( don't use value zero because the default ureg value is zero and the explosion will be triggered when the level loads ) you would also have the explosion animation set to be triggered when Ureg 10 = uvalue 1 The console text entry would look like this [begin object] Name: UNIV_REG ;universe register display Enabled: 0 ;enabled Attribute: 10 ;univ. reg. 10 (timer) Transparent: -1 ;transparent Draw-flag: 10 ; display only if univ.reg 10 > 0 Scale-flag: -1 ;unused X-orig: 90 ;x screen pos. Y-orig: 20 ;y screen pos. X-size: -1 ;unused Y-size: -1 ;unused Key-toggle: -1 ;no key toggle Key-sound: -1 ;no key sound Color: 212 ;text color String: DEFAULT ;unused