To make a points counter that goes up when you find gold/money for example you could do something like this , what you would have to do is make your gold/money as animations that dissappear and add a value to a universe register when the player is close , to make the value of that register appear on screen you would make an entry in your console text something like this [begin object] Name: UNIV_REG ;universe register display Enabled: 1 ;enabled Attribute: 12 ;univ. reg. 12 (Gold) Transparent: -1 ;transparent Draw-flag: -1 ;unused Scale-flag: -1 ;unused X-orig: 32 ;x screen pos. Y-orig: 140 ;y screen pos. X-size: -1 ;unused Y-size: -1 ;unused Key-toggle: -1 ;no key toggle Key-sound: -1 ;no key sound Color: 215 ;text color String: DEFAULT ;unused [end object] This object displays the selected Universe Register value on screen . The Universe Register displayed is determined by the number entered in the Attribute: field , for this example I have used ureg 12 but you can use any available ureg you want , the color of the display is derived from a palette index number set in the Color: field and the x and y origin values are the position on the screen . The animation would be something like this and the object for your frames would be your gold/money Frame 0 skip if close see player 100 Frame 1 sym obj gold go to 0 Frame 2 Univreg add 12 100 Frame 3 Play sound ( sound number ) Frame 4 Delete myself Frames 0 and 1 will keep the animation in a loop until the player touches it . Frame 2 will add 100 to ureg 12 and put that value in the display created in the console text . Frame 3 is optional and will play a sound when you get some gold if you want it to . Frame 4 deletes the anim so the counter doesn't keep going up . You can place as many of the animations as you want in you level and each time you find one the counter will go up by the amount you set in frame 2 . If you want to reset the counter to zero for each level you will have to make an invisible animation at the start of each level that sets the Universe reg back to zero then deletes itself .